Handicap double 2023 will be conducted all against all. 

Vinder Ole Vendt/Henrik Brabrand


Ole Vendt/Henrik Brabrand -2 bolde
Vladut Scutaru/Bogdan B 0 bold
André Verburg/Jens Johansen -1 bolde

The matches are played in the following order

First Match (to be played no later than Monday 15 June):

Match 1: Ole Vendt/Henrik Brabrand(-30) against Vladut Scutaru/Bogdan B(0) 6-2 6-0

Second Match (to be played no later than Monday 29 June):

Match 2: André Verburg/Jens Johansen(-15) against Vladut Scutaru/Bogdan B(0)

Last Match (to be played no later than Thursday 31 August):

Match 3: André Verburg/Jens Johansen(0) against Ole Vendt/Henrik Brabrand(-15) 6-5 4-6 0-1(11-14)


The standings are determined first by matches won, then by difference in sets and finally by difference in games, if everything else is equal. Two hours should reserved for the match.